Upcoming events.

Fruiting Bodies and Friends Present Informational Session on Psilocybin Assisted Therapy

Fruiting Bodies and Friends Present Informational Session on Psilocybin Assisted Therapy

Join us to learn and share community

Welcoming to the space

Introduction to Psilocybin therapy: intro to concepts terms and community

who are we and why are we here

Alex's Story

a conversation moderated by So(Searching Oneself) LLC


$ 10 Suggested Donation However Learning and Growing should never be a barrier

Paypal: paypal.me/searchingoneself143

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Reclaim Your Name: We Will Not Be Erased

Reclaim Your Name: We Will Not Be Erased

What is your truth behind your name? Was it a family name? Was your name changed for survival? Did you lose your name?

We are given a name and there is a story and truth to each name.

This workshop is a deep exploration of identity healing. Journeying to undo the force assimilations many of us experienced and reclaiming the identities truest to our whole authentic selves all the while building community.

We heal within, we heal together! Link to register!


Zoom Link:


$20 Suggested donation, however cost should never be a barrier in healing

Paypal: https://paypal.me/searchingoneself143?locale.x=en_US

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